Hi, I’m Amanda!
Life is full of clutter. The constant demands on both our bodies and minds can be stressful, to say the least. Work demands, family demands, health demands…throw in all of the mental clutter from our pasts, all the fears about our future, and we enter into a recipe for a life in burnout mode.
Well, I’m here to say, let’s just start right here. “…when we can embrace the groundlessness of our situation and relax into it’s dynamic quality, that’s called enlightenment.” (Pema Chodron) Showing up for ourselves is a process, and I know the quick fix sounds great. A pill. A magic skill. Whatever will make me feel better yesterday. Life doesn’t always hand us the best case scenario though, does it? So, together we’ll approach the reality of where you are, and begin to explore how you want to grow. If you are struggling with feeling stuck, uncertain, in two minds, on the fence, or up against a wall, you are in the right place. I want to help you live the life only you can envision.
I could bore you with all the clinical mumbo jumbo and theory that I will use to help you in this process (and, oh, could I! Seriously, check out my blog). But, the truth is, I’m here to listen to you, provide a sounding board for you to build your value-based life, and maybe later, call you out on some of the things you are doing that aren't helping you live the life you say you want. All the tools I have to help with these transitions will be there, but you get to just focus on feeling heard and connected.
So, that’s it, in a nutshell. Come, have fun with me, feel heard, and learn some things along the way. What will work for you may not work for another, and another, and, well, you get my point. I’ll help you be your own guide, because I truly believe that what you need is inside of you already. You are strong, even when you don’t feel it. Pema says, “nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.” So, let’s work together to know it.
Want to know more? Click on the button below. Or, get more of your questions answered (and see what clinical applications I utilize in practice) on my FAQ page. I hope to hear from you soon.