I think most people picture therapy as sitting on a couch, sharing important details about their lives, with a person sitting across from them, nodding their head and jotting down some details of those details. What do you picture? Maybe you’ve been in therapy, and you have an actual experience to reflect on in creating this picture of therapy.
Ok, now, I want you to envision walking outside, flowering trees around you. Breeze blowing. Sun shining on your shoulders. Feet moving under you. And…a therapist walking by your side. Whoa! Now, that maybe doesn’t fit your idea of therapy at all. But, that’s what I love to do. I want to get moving with you!
One of my favorite experiences throughout my life has been moving, side by side, with my workout buddies. Whether it was running, cardio kickboxing, weight-lifting, or yoga, doing it with others made it that much more meaningful. Connection came easier, as we worked towards health as the outcome, with relationship being a primary motivator. Movement is freeing, so if sitting still and talking feels confining, I get it.
One of my favorite reasons for movement is its ability to reset our nervous system from an aroused state to a rest and repair state. A part of our brain called the cerebellum monitors movement. These signals in the brain, created through movement, encourage equilibrium. The movement towards equilibrium defines the reduction of stress. So, movement=reduced stress. I’m not talking about high-intensity, sweaty, crazy exercise. I’m simply talking about getting up out of our seats and moving those joints. That is all that is required for our brains to help us reset! Struggle with anxiety? Movement is key.
We are social beings (yes, even you introverts out there!). Being together in combined movement is as natural as eating. So, the next time you think it’s time for a change, need direction, struggle with motivation, or just need to be heard, I’m ready to walk with you in that journey towards whole-person health.